Donate to Charity. Win Your Course in GSPro.

This is your opportunity to have your course built by one of the senior designers that does not normally build courses for a fee. This raffle will give you a chance to win a complete GSPro course build designed by Masta_Blasta. Masta created the entire None To Done (NTD) video series showing how to build GSPro courses and has published premium courses such as Kapalua, Glacier Gulph and Hershey Country Club East/West. He also co-hosts the weekly Between Two Biomes variety show. All proceeds will benefit Penn State Dance Marathon and the Four Diamonds Fund charity. 

Donate by clicking the link below. In the 'make an encouraging note' field, type the name of the course you would like built. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How much are tickets?

A single ticket costs $20 and will get you one entry. $50 will get you 3 tickets. $100 will get you 8 tickets. $300 will earn you 30 tickets.

How can I track my entries?

Yes! Check out to track your entry and see your odds of winning. Your entries will be added a few business days after your donation is processed. If you don't see it after a week contact Ty at

When will the raffle take place?

January 31st at 9pm Eastern.

Is my donation tax deductable?

Yes! You will get an emailed receipt for your donation that is tax deductable

Will Masta build any course? 

Masta will build any course as long as there is lidar and satellite imagery available.

Who are your daughters?

Masta has 3 daughters. His two oldest are heavily involved with Dance Marathon charities. Janie, the oldest, is a junior at Penn State main campus and has been involved with 'Thon' for many years. Along with fundraiser, she serves on the 'Thon' committees and helps organize Penn State Dance Marathon. Mya, his middle daughter, is a senior at Lower Dauphin School District and supports 'mini-thon' in a similar capacity. Both Thon and Mini-Thon support the Four Diamonds fund.  

How will the raffle work?

Pretty simple....the more tickets you buy, the better your odds! We will spin a wheel on January 31st with all the entries. The wheel will contain course names so you can pool together with your buddies!  See this site for a list of the current entries:

Can I pool funds with my friends to increase our chances?

Yes, this is actually done automatically since the raffle is done by the course you chose when donating. If you and all your friends choose the same course you all increase your chances of winning! 

I am outside the U.S and my donation is being denied. What can I do?

Try using my oldest daughter's fundraiser page at If that still doesn't work, reach out to masta_blasta at You can make arrangements to Paypal or Venmo your funds to masta_blasta who will then donate on your behalf. However, it will not be tax deductible. 

How long will it take the course to be built?

Estimates are 3 to 6 months.